Powerfully Getting More Done in Your Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Business
By Jim Gillespie | July 16, 2012
With everything that’s changed within commercial real estate brokerage in recent years, and with the abundance of transactions not always closing as easily as they once did for brokers, it’s become very important to be more effective in your brokerage business.
Good leads can now be harder to come by than they were five years ago, and you now need to become even more effective at developing new leads. In addition, if transactions are now taking longer to close and clients are needing more hand holding along the way, you now must learn how to get all of this done while still giving yourself a ton of time to develop more new business.
With this in mind, some of the arenas that have developed on the residential side of the business over the years, that have been slow to become adopted on the commercial side, are the use of both Virtual Assistants and transaction coordinators. Virtual Assistants can do many activities like create and send mailing and marketing campaigns for you, prepare listing presentations, follow-up with your clients and prospects, get your database of property owners into great condition along with the owners’ phone numbers, do copywriting for you, and do Web design and Internet marketing for you. With this in mind, If you’re curious and you may be interested in hiring a Virtual Assistant, this Web site could be a good resource for you.
Transaction coordinators are people who handle a lot of the follow-up for you in your sales transactions, once the transactions have already been initiated. They follow-up directly with all of the principals, the escrow company, the title company, the lender, and any additional service providers, to make sure everything is moving forward within the transaction. This has become big business within residential real estate brokerage, but it has yet to really take hold within commercial brokerage. The top agents in residential brokerage have recognized the value in working along with a transaction coordinator, as it frees up a lot of the agents’ time to go out and develop more new business for themselves.
In commercial real estate brokerage, we have companies like Peracon and Real Capital Markets that offer transaction management platform software, but the concept of constantly working along with a transaction coordinator still has a long way to go within our industry.
If moving in this direction and getting more done with greater ease is something you’re interested in, I’m hosting a teleconference this Tuesday titled "Powerfully Getting More Done That Puts More Commissions In Your Pocket". During this teleconference you’ll learn how to get more done in less time in your brokerage business, and if you’re a new member you’ll receive the audio CDs and written transcription from the teleconference sent to you in the mail for just $19.95. And and as an additional bonus you’ll get direct access to watch and listen to more than 200 interviews and presentations given by top real estate professionals!
Click here for more information on the teleconference.
We can transform your commercial brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"Within 7 weeks after beginning my work with Jim I landed new business worth over $500,000.00 in commissions to me!"
Mike Giuliano
Lee & Associates
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Why the Declaration of Independence Is So Important to Us Today
By Jim Gillespie | July 3, 2012
With the 4th of July now upon us, if you haven’t read the Declaration of Independence lately, I invite you to do so by clicking here. When you read even just the first two paragraphs of it, up to the point where it begins listing the Founding Fathers’ specific grievances against the King of Great Britain, you might find yourself thinking, "What this document is saying is just as relevant to ourselves as citizens today, as it was back in 1776."
While we live within a great nation, with so many wonderful benefits that we experience here as American citizens, I sometimes wonder what our Founding Fathers would say if they could come back to us today, observe our government, our politicians, and all of the special interest groups influencing our government from behind the scenes. This is one roundtable discussion that I would definitely want to participate in!
In many respects, it seems that the grievances our Founding Fathers had against the King of Great Britain, mirror in many ways what many of us feel towards the powerful people who are really influencing our own government from behind the scenes. As a nation, so many of us believe in the right of the individual to determine their own destiny. But what many of us really don’t care for are the people who don’t have to play by the same rules that we ourselves must play by—people who have positioned themselves so powerfully behind the scenes, that they can do things that many of us would consider to be criminal, or at the very minimum, extremely inappropriate…and constantly get away with it. This in its own way seems to mirror exactly what the King of Great Britain was doing from the Founding Fathers’ perspective, and the Founding Fathers didn’t like it either.
When writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson made it clear that when people feel that their government is treating them unfairly, that the people have the right to change their government, or abolish it in favor of a new government.
During my lifetime, I’ve never experienced such a time when so many people believe that their government isn’t representing them very effectively, and that it’s instead effectively representing the very powerful special interest groups. Our media, in many people’s opinion, is doing a great job of representing these special interest groups, too, in the stories that they decide to report on, the spin that they put on the stories, and the stories that they decide not to report on, too.
But while this may all seem like a relatively new development to many of us, I must offer up the following quote about this from Thomas Jefferson himself:
"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle."
Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, June 11, 1807
Here’s another quote from Thomas Jefferson that I believe has great relevance to all of us today, as many of us have discovered the great control and influence that our banking and financial institutions have been exerting over all of us:
"And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to John Taylor in 1816
I believe that Thomas Jefferson would be turning over in his grave if he could see how our banking and financial institutions are operating today. There are so many indiscretions that have been committed by these institutions towards us in recent years, not the least of which is the swapping of their own toxic assets as repayment for all of the bailout money they’ve been receiving from us.
If you’ve wondered how these financial institutions have been able to pay back the bailout money they’ve been receiving during these tough economic times, when so many businesses have been struggling to make money and pay off their own debts, in many situations the explanation has been quite simple. These financial institutions have been allowed to exchange their toxic, worthless assets, dollar-for-dollar, to payoff the bailout money that they’ve been receiving from us. So we as the taxpayers have been funding them with their bailout "loans", and then in exchange these institutions been giving us their toxic, worthless assets to payback these loans.
With this in mind, I’ve recently discovered a 27-minute video interview featuring Bill Moyers, Matt Taibbi, and Yves Smith, discussing much about what our financial institutions have been doing…and completely getting away with. If you haven’t kept up with this information, and you’d like to stay informed on it, I recommend that you watch this video, which you can watch by clicking here.
In addition, writer Matt Taibbi has done an incredible job of uncovering some very important stories from within the financial arena. His article, "The Real Housewives of Wall Street", told us how, as part of all of the financial bailouts, two wives of top Wall Street executives were given $220 million in non-recourse loans for their own personal investment purposes. Do you think you could you use an additional $220 million right now in non-recourse money?
Along with this, Matt’s recent article, "The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia", shows how the nation’s biggest banks were taking part in a nationwide bid-rigging conspiracy, costing cities and municipal governments tons of money all across America, until the perpretrators were finally caught on tape. (Click here to read the article.)
As we celebrate the 4th of July here in 2012, the Declaration of Independence is now more relevant within our lifetime than it ever has been. Most everyone who I talk with wants our government to be more responsive to our demands, and they’re getting tired of all of the rhetoric they’ve been hearing from both our politicians, and from our media.
We as American citizens must hold our government and our politicians accountable, and we must fight for the kind of government that our Founding Fathers originally intended for us.
We can transform your commercial brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"My work with Jim has helped my team, my company, and my development business to perform at substantially higher levels."
D. Alex Rhoten
Coldwell Banker Commercial
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Here’s An Idea to Help Build Better Relationships With Your Commercial Real Estate Clients and Prospects
By Jim Gillespie | June 27, 2012
Whenever you do something kind for someone else, they usually want to reciprocate the kindness back to you in some way whenever they have the opportunity to do so. This is one reason why socializing with your clients, taking them to lunch, and giving them gifts can help to solidify your relationship with them, and have them want to give you more repeat business in the future.
But here’s something else you can do that will go a long way towards both building your relationship with the people and companies you’ve never done business with before, and solidifying your relationships with your past clients…
Write articles that highlight these companies and the principals behind them, and then send these articles out to your entire database. You can send the articles out by either mail or E-mail, but sending them by mail will definitely be more impressive.
Tell the main principal behind the company that you want to interview them about their accomplishments, the history behind their company, and the great value that their company provides for its customers. Then tell the principal the number of people you’ll be sending the completed article out to.
In addition to sending out the article to your entire database, have the article framed, then give it to the principal of the company, and I can almost guarantee you that they’ll keep it, and maybe even eventually have it hanging on the wall within their office.
You’ll want to include your name along with the article, but make sure that the article is about highlighting their company and not about highlighting you. You could mention your name as the author of the article, and/or include a byline about you at the bottom of the article.
In addition, if you’re sending a newsletter out to your clients and prospects, you could easily include these articles within your newsletter, too.
The people and companies you’ll be writing these articles about will definitely appreciate them, they’ll remember you more frequently, and this will help you to generate more brokerage business.
We can transform your commercial brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"Jim has me much more focused on doing the activities that generate new listings for me, in addition to doing the activities that have me sell those listings."
Chris Sands
KW Commercial
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Here Are Many Mobile Apps Designed for Commercial Real Estate
By Jim Gillespie | May 30, 2012
Mobile apps are becoming more important for commercial real estate brokers and their clients every single week. With this in mind, I’ve recently come across two articles that I’m forwarding to you, containing links to many mobile apps that are specifically designed for commercial real estate.
The first article comes from Duke Long, and it features many links to mobile apps that you can check out by clicking here and reading his article.
In addition, the following article comes from my friends at Realcomm, the industry leader at keeping people informed on what’s happening within technology as it applies to commercial real estate. I’ve spoken at their Realcomm conference many times over the years, and you can read their article on commercial real estate mobile apps by clicking here.
We can transform your commercial brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"Working with Jim has increased my productivity to a higher level. As the top agent of my firm for the last eight years I was at a point where I thought I had hit a ceiling. With Jim’s help I found that I am only just beginning and am now experiencing my most successful year ever! I can attribute a lot of my success to Jim and his ability to keep me focused on success combined with the tools that he has to get me there."
Scott Caswell
Delphi Business Properties
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How One Top Commercial Real Estate Broker is Developing More New Business
By Jim Gillespie | May 15, 2012
You may have noticed something within recent years. The volume of commercial real estate transactions closing in most geographical areas, and probably within your own geographical area, isn’t what it used to be. But how can you develop more new business and more income for yourself despite this drop you may be experiencing in your transaction volume?
You can do what my coaching client Dan has been doing, which is finding opportunities to do consulting work, while he’s still working on closing his normal "commission" transactions.
Dan is a very successful broker, and he’s a member of both SIOR and CCIM. (Dan isn’t really his name, as I want to potentially save him many phone calls, E-mails, and questions about how he’s successfully accomplishing all of this.) While Dan, like so many commercial brokers, is having his challenges around closing transactions within this market, he noticed that his clients and prospects were having problems with their commercial real estate, even though these problems might not necessitate closing transactions. So Dan recognized an opportunity that he could capitalize on…
Some of these problems involved tenants wanting to reduce their rent, owners needing to reposition their properties within the marketplace, restructuring existing debt, and getting advice on both repositioning and restructuring entire real estate portfolios.
When Dan began approaching his clients and prospects about doing some of this work for them on an hourly basis, many of them really liked the idea, and they began paying Dan an hourly rate for his consulting services.
In addition, Dan has now located opportunities to speak in front of local chapters of building owner asociations within his area, and the response from these owners has been outstanding. During his presentation, Dan tells the owners about the consulting work he’s been doing with other owners, and the problems that he’s been solving for them. Since many of the owners who are in Dan’s audiences are having these exact same problems, they then often approach Dan right after his presentation to discuss hiring him to solve these same problems for them also.
So in addition to getting paid guaranteed money on an hourly basis to consult with all of these commercial real estate principals, Dan is accomplishing something else that’s also very important…he’s building a working relationship with these same principals, showing them that he’s an expert they can count on, and he’s positioning himself to work with them again on their "commission" transactions…whenever they have these transactions in the future.
So if you’re looking for opportunities to make more money in this market, and position yourself better to work on more "commission" transactions in the future, consider approaching your clients and prospects about doing some consulting work for them right now.
If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial real estate brokerage business to the next level, click here to contact me.
"With Jim’s coaching I landed $1.7 million in new business in my first eight weeks!"
Mark Whitman
Dorin Realty
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What We Can All Learn from Brad Pitt and “Moneyball”
By Jim Gillespie | May 9, 2012
About 45 days ago I watched the Academy Award-nominated movie "Moneyball", starring Brad Pitt, and I was completely mesmerized by the movie. I was so mesmerized, in fact, that I’ve watched the movie three more times since then.
To me the movie is about redemption, and let’s face it, there are a lot of brokers looking for redemption right now. They’ve been dealing with a market that really stinks when compared with how it was maybe 5-6 years ago, and they want redemption.
Brad Pitt plays a character named Billy Beane in the movie, who in real life was touted as being a "can’t miss" prospect for Major League Baseball. He was offered a big signing bonus to turn down the scholarship he had been offered to go to Stanford, and he accepted the big signing bonus, becoming a professional baseball player right out of high school. But he never became a successful Major League Baseball player, and this continually haunts him throughout the movie.
But he became a successful General Manager of a Major League Baseball team, and he implemented a revolutionary approach to the game to achieve that success…becoming massively ridiculed for this approach until it finally produced absolutely incredible results for the team.
At the end of the movie his success brought him an offer to become the General Manager for the Boston Red Sox…for $12,500,000.00. Should he take the money, move all the way across the country, and become completely separated from his young daughter…who he loved dearly? Or was his life now coming full circle once again, and he now had the chance to make the right decision around going for the money …or not?
We all have moments in our lives that define who we are as human beings, and it’s been my experience that whenever I listen to my intuition, and let it guide me through my decision making, things always turn out the best for me. They may not look like they’re turning out the best for me immediately, but in the end, they always turn out the best for me.
Here’s one story I experienced years ago that the movie really reconnected me with, that I’m going to share with you…
When I was a kid in eighth grade, I was the quarterback on our football team, and I had dreams of one day playing professional football. During our final game of the season, we lost to the team that became the state champions, and we definitely knew that we were one of the best teams in the state.
Now flash forward to beginning high school the very next year, recognizing how violent all the contact was now becoming in the sport at this level, and my gut-level intuition now telling me that it was time to leave the game behind. I knew, even at that time, about the long-term effects that were being observed in the bodies of the men who had played football their entire lives.
I left the football team and began focusing on the other sport that I was very solid at…basketball…but I was quickly reminded of how when you know you’ve made the right decision, other people still might not like that decision…
Soon after I left the football team, I saw a friend’s mother at school and I said "Hello" to her. Her son had been our star running back on the team the year before, and he was now playing on the high school football team. The mother was very disappointed that I had decided not to play the game anymore, and when I spoke to her she turned, looked at me and said, "I’ve decided to never speak to you again."
But in talking with other friends of mine who continued playing football for their four years in high school, I still know today that I made the right decision. They tell me of the horrible pain they still experience from their injuries from playing football in high school, the stiffness, and the surgeries they’ve been through to try to deal with the situation. One of my old friends who played on that final team that I played on, who’s the son of a former NFL head coach, turned down multiple scholarships from major universities in order to leave the sport behind him, too, but at the end of high school, not at the beginning of it. He’s still in great pain as a result of the injuries he sustained from the game in high school, and he’s told me the names of some of the greatest players in NFL history, who have all refused to let their own sons play football.
In addition to this story, the movie "Moneyball" reconnected me with many other decisions that I’d made in my life, too. In 1990, I became the first broker anyone had ever seen in my territory utilizing a personal computer and contact management software. I got teased for it, but I knew where everything was headed. The brokers who insisted that wrapping rubber bands around their business cards and their index cards…was still all that was really necessary, are now utilizing contact management software within their own brokerage businesses. When I was watching "Moneyball", there were scenes where baseball veterans were arguing with Brad Pitt about his game plan for success, ridiculing him for it, and it reminded me of exactly what these brokers were saying about utilizing computers within their own businesses back in 1990.
My point in telling you all of this, is that there’s an intuitive side within you that always knows what the best decision is for you. Your mind will jump in sometimes and lock antlers with that intuitive side, telling you something very different, but I’ve found that throughout my life, listening to that intuitive side has always produced the best results for me. Sometimes you just need to do what you know is the right thing to do, even when other people are telling you otherwise.
So right now, when you listen to that intuitive side of you, what is it telling you to do? What is it telling you to do in your business, and in your personal life, to live the life that you’ve always imagined?
Listen to that intuitive side of you, and act on it.
3 Special Bonuses for You
If you order my Commercial Broker Newsletter right now, the newsletter that you can customize and mail or E-mail to your clients and prospects on a monthly basis, you’ll also receive the following three special bonuses:
1) A special, dynamic 170-page E-book titled "The Magic of Newsletter Marketing", by Jim Palmer. This book contains everything you need to know to send a solid newsletter that brands you in the minds of all of your clients and prospects.
2) My highly-acclaimed special report titled, "How to Explode Your Real Estate Prospecting Now!", featuring my prospecting scripts that tell you how to get past the receptionist, how to get the decision maker to talk to you, and how to leave voicemail messages that compel your prospects to call you back.
3) Access to listen to my 57-minute radio interview titled, "How to Prepare for the Coming Commercial Real Estate Market". During this interview I’ll tell you the true underlying phenomenon that’s driving our commercial real estate market, where this market is headed, how to reposition yourself for what’s coming, and what properties you’ll get burned by if you’re still holding them.
In addition, you’ll get two months of my newsletter for the price of one in your very first month when you order the newsletter right now. If sending a newsletter to your clients and prospects is something you want to begin doing, click here for more information. When checking out in the shopping cart, include the word "Bonuses" in the Comments section to get all of these special bonuses sent to you.
We can transform your brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"Just one marketing idea Jim gave me produced $14,500,000.00 in new listings for me. His coaching program really works!"
Mark Groves
BRC Advisors
Click here to see more testimonials from my coaching clients.
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Why You Must Prospect Continuously in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
By Jim Gillespie | May 3, 2012
When brokers need to find more business, they often understand that they need to be prospecting in order to find it. But one of the greatest problems that occurs within our industry is the following…
A broker wants to find more business, they begin prospecting, and then when their plate is full of activity and they’re busy working on all of the leads they’ve now generated, they quit doing their prospecting.
This seems logical at times for many brokers. They’ve already generated a lot of leads, and doing more prospecting seems like it will only get in the way of them working on transactions, closing them, and getting paid.
This is a huge fallacy.
When you stop doing your prospecting, you’re very likely to then have a big hole in your pipeline weeks or even months down the road, where you won’t be closing many transactions, and you won’t be making much money, either. This is because of the lag time between beginning your prospecting once again, and it leading to new, closed real estate transactions for you. So if you don’t find a way to continue on in doing your prospecting when you’re already busy working on transactions, there will probably be a big gap in your income somewhere down the road, and you’ll end up making less money because of it.
In addition, there are other reasons why you want to continue on in doing your prospecting once you’re already busy, too:
1) When you continue on in doing your prospecting once you’re already busy, you’ll find new and better leads than some of the ones you’re currently working on, and you would’ve completely missed out on these leads and in closing these transactions had you stopped doing your prospecting. Finding these new leads lets you let go of the more marginal and lower-commission leads you’ve been working on, and it lets you replace them with these new and better leads, where you’ll be making more money.
2) Continually prospecting once you’re already busy working on leads, increases the average commission you’ll be earnng per transaction. This happens because you’ll be letting go of the more marginal leads you’ve normally worked on in the past, and you’ll be replacing them with better leads, where you’ll be closing larger transactions and making more money. In doing so you’ll be increasing the average size of commission you’ll be earning per transaction, which will have you making more money every single year.
But none of this would have ever happened if you had stopped doing your prospecting. You would have had holes in your pipeline where you wouldn’t have been making very much money, you’d have wondered why you couldn’t generate a greater abundance of larger transactions than the ones you’d been working on, and your level of activity would have seemed like it was hot at some times, and then cold at other times.
When you continually get your prospecting done, no matter how busy you feel when you’re constantly working on transactions, you’ll upgrade the quality of client you’re working with, you’ll make more money, and you’ll constantly be swimming in an abundance of solid brokerage activity.
3 Special Bonuses for You
If you order my Commercial Broker Newsletter right now, the newsletter that you can customize and mail or E-mail to your clients and prospects on a monthly basis, you’ll also receive the following three special bonuses:
1) A special, dynamic 170-page E-book titled "The Magic of Newsletter Marketing", by Jim Palmer. This book contains everything you need to know to send a solid newsletter that brands you in the minds of all of your clients and prospects.
2) My highly-acclaimed special report titled, "How to Explode Your Real Estate Prospecting Now!", featuring my prospecting scripts that tell you how to get past the receptionist, how to get the decision maker to talk to you, and how to leave voicemail messages that compel your prospects to call you back.
3) Access to listen to my 57-minute radio interview titled, "How to Prepare for the Coming Commercial Real Estate Market". During this interview I’ll tell you the true underlying phenomenon that’s driving our commercial real estate market, where this market is headed, how to reposition yourself for what’s coming, and what properties you’ll get burned by if you’re still holding them.
In addition, you’ll get two months of my newsletter for the price of one in your very first month when you order the newsletter right now. If sending a newsletter to your clients and prospects is something you want to begin doing, click here for more information. When checking out in the shopping cart, include the word "Bonuses" in the Comments section to get all of these special bonuses sent to you.
We can transform your brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"Jim has me much more focused on doing the things that make me more money and he holds me accountable to make sure that I do them."
Greg Barsamian
Coldwell Banker Commercial
Click here to see more testimonials from my coaching clients.
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Why You Should Leave Voicemail Messages When You’re Doing Your Commercial Real Estate Prospecting
By Jim Gillespie | April 17, 2012
There seem to be two different schools of thought within our industry around leaving voicemail messages when you’re doing your prospecting. One group says that you should leave voicemail messages, and the other one says that you shouldn’t.
It seems to me that the advantages of leaving voicemail messages definitely outweigh the advantages of not leaving them. The only real advantage I can see for not leaving voicemail messages, is that the person you’re trying to contact might not feel that you’re bothering them, if in fact they feel that you’re bothering them whenever you’re leaving them voicemail messages.
But on the other hand, leaving a voicemail message lets the person know that you actually called them, and it allows you to leave a compelling message with a solid reason for them to call you back. In addition, when you leave someone several voicemail messages over a period of time, before you end up hearing back from them, many people will begin to feel that they really owe you a return phone call…as long as you’re being courteous and professional when you’re leaving your voicemail messages.
This is especially true with entrepreneurial people and business owners, who understand the value of prospecting to develop one’s business. Some of these people may even begin thinking, "If I could just get my own salespeople to prospect like this person, our company would be making a lot more money!"
So leave voicemail messages whenever you’re doing your prospecting. Otherwise your prospects will have no idea that you’ve ever called them, and they’ll have no reason to call you back.
We can transform your brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"Jim’s coaching has assisted me in coming up with a brand new game plan to maximize my productivity in a transitioning market."
William Hugron, SIOR, CCIM
Ashwill Associates
Click here to see more testimonials from my coaching clients.
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The Power of Asking Yourself Solid Questions
By Jim Gillespie | April 4, 2012
All day long we walk around talking to ourselves within our own minds. What we focus on in our day-to-day thoughts, including the questions that we we ask ourselves, determines the overall quality of our lives.
My friend Michael Russer, who was named as being one of the 25 most influential people in real estate, recently wrote an article on this subject that I’m going to share with you. Within this past week Michael has launched a new business venture called, "The Outrageous Movement", and you can read more about Michael’s new venture on Facebook by clicking here.
When reading this article, notice the difference between how you feel when you’re asking yourself the first set of questions within the article, vs. asking yourself the second set of questions. You have the power to determine the questions you’re asking yourself throughout the day, and the questions you’re constantly asking yourself will determine the quality of your life.
We end up getting what our thoughts are focused on.
Here’s the article:
What If …
“What if” are two simple words that have the power to stop you cold or open up possibilities you never dreamed of. It’s what comes after the ”What if" that makes all the difference.
Most people it seems use “What if” to identify everything they can think of that could go wrong. For example:
“What if that deal doesn’t close next week?!”
“What if I don’t make enough money for my kids’ college education?”
“What if I buy that motorcycle and I end up dead, or worse – crippled for life!?”
“What if I never find the love of my life?”
“What if I’m not the number one agent in my company?”
“What if I don’t achieve my goals?”
“What if I don’t live up to my own expectations?”
“What if this is all there is?”
It should be pretty clear that everything in the very short list above has one thing in common –fear of some undesirable outcome in the future. And the worst part is that people who think this way (usually often) are spending their precious present moments literally slamming the door on possibility.
Now how about asking “What if” this way:
“What if I eat to live rather than live to eat?”
“What if I time-blocked my work days so I can prospect every day?”
“What if I took took two vacations a year of at least 2 weeks each?”
“What if I spent more time with my family rather than watching TV?”
“What if I surprised my spouse with flowers and a dinner for no special reason?”
“What if I saw everything that happens (“good” and “bad”) as a blessing?”
Same two words, yet very different outcomes. When you ask “What if” in this way the world seems to be a brighter, more exciting place filled with possibilities rather than dread. And other people (i.e. prospects, clients, family and friends) will find you to be a much more attractive person to be around. They aren’t particularly interested in your dread, they have enough of their own.
So what if you were to start asking your “What if” questions like this from now on –just think of the possibilities…
We can transform your brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"Through working with Jim I’ve developed new strategies and approaches that are getting me more market share with the type of companies I want to be doing business with."
Guy Eisner
Travers Realty Corporation
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The Most Important Ingredient for Success in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
By Jim Gillespie | March 27, 2012
Something that I’ve often observed throughout my 30-plus years within our industry, is that top producers don’t spend much time complaining about how difficult it is to make money. They don’t spend much time complaining about how tough it is to close transactions, no matter what they’re experiencing right now within their own brokerage business.
Your state of mind within your own brokerage business determines much about your success. When you live in a state of excited passion, convinced that you’re about to uncover another solid opportunity within your brokerage business, you’re much more likely to find it.
Contrast this with having the attitude of the broker who doesn’t really want to come into the office, doesn’t want to make their prospecting calls, and doesn’t feel there’s much opportunity for them in today’s real estate market.
Who do you think is more likely to produce the better results?
The top brokers have more passion for the business. They enjoy the business more than everyone else, and this shows within their attitude every single day. No matter what happens within their own business, they usually just brush any disappointment aside and move on, convinced that they’re about to uncover another opportunity.
Turning now to your own brokerage business, how much time do you spend living in this state of mind? If you find there are times when you’re not living in this state of mind, do what you can to get yourself into it. When you’re living in this place moment-to-moment within your own brokerage business, you’ll find more opportunity, you’ll go after the opportunity with more passion, you’ll let disappointment bounce right off of you, you’ll have fun, you’ll enjoy yourself more, and you’ll make more money.
A friend of mine forwarded me this two-minute video that I believe really illustrates what I’m talking about here. Watch this video of the two-year-old boy dancing in front of his audience. He shows us such passion and fun while he’s dancing in front of everyone, and he even shows us how to take a proper bow right at the end of his performance.
Find this little boy inside of you within your brokerage business.
Click here to see the video.
We can transform your brokerage business by doing one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching to take your commercial brokerage business to the next level, click here and contact me.
"After just weeks of working with Jim I’m getting much more done now with far greater ease, and he has my agents completely on fire and much more passionate about their business!"
Mike Spears, SIOR
The National Realty Group
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