Archive for August, 2012
A Must See Movie About Healing Cancer
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012There’s a movie that’s been released on the subject of healing cancer, and I feel it’s important that I tell you about the movie. In addition, I’m going to give you a link so that you can watch the movie online for free. If watching this movie makes a difference in just one person’s life, […]
Why Mailing to Your Commercial Real Estate Clients and Prospects is So Vitally Important
Tuesday, August 21st, 2012Most commercial brokers call or visit their clients and prospects two to four times a year…at the very most. In many situations the number of contacts that a broker makes with these people may be just one to two within the year…and sometimes, in reality, it’s zero. Keep in mind that your brokerage competitors are […]
How to Recognize When You’re Not Getting Enough Commercial Real Estate Prospecting Done
Wednesday, August 8th, 2012There are so many brokers within our industry who believe in prospecting, but they’re still not getting it done. In addition, there are brokers in our industry who believe they’re getting more prospecting done than they really are within their brokerage businesses. Regarding the latter, there are brokers who are scheduling hours of time for […]
Here’s How to Build Better Relationships With Your Commercial Real Estate Clients and Prospects
Wednesday, August 1st, 2012One of the biggest mistakes that commercial real estate brokers often make is keeping their relationships with their clients and prospects at "arm’s length". By saying this I mean keeping their relationships on an "all business" basis, without ever becoming personal friends with the people they’re doing business with. Personal relationships are the glue that […]