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The Impact of Gasoline Prices on Real Estate
By Jim Gillespie | June 27, 2008
CBS News reported yesterday that a new energy report indicates that the price of gasoline may reach $7.00 a gallon by the year 2010. These rising gasoline prices are the result of a global phenomenon known as Peak Oil, which you need to learn more about, because its implications for both business and real estate are unbelievably huge.
Over two-and-a-half years ago I wrote an article on Peak Oil that brought in many “thank yous” from both real estate and petroleum experts from around the world, as it was the first article bringing the subject of Peak Oil to our real estate industry.
As these implications from Peak Oil are so huge for both business and real estate, I recommend that you read my article if you haven’t already done so. Three weeks after I wrote the article, the U.S. House of Representatives passed Resolution 507 stating that “The United States, in collaboration with other international allies, should establish an energy project with the magnitude, creativity, and sense of urgency of the `Man on the Moon’ project to develop a comprehensive plan to address the challenges presented by Peak Oil.”
Here’s link to my article, and at the bottom of it there’s a link to the full U.S. House of Representatives Resolution that I just mentioned:
In addition, here’s a link to an audio interview I recently did discussing Peak Oil and its coming impact on both business and real estate on the radio program “Income Property and Investment Talk”:
Again, I strongly recommend that you learn more about Peak Oil and its coming implications on both business and real estate.
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