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Ensuring Your Commercial Brokerage Success in 2008

By Jim Gillespie | January 14, 2008

So the new year is now here. And hopefully you’ve set your goals for 2008 that are important for you to accomplish during the year. But what are you really going to do to ensure that you accomplish your goals for the year? One of the biggest mistakes that I see agents making is setting goals without designing a game plan to accomplish the goals. And even when they do design the game plan it can have flaws in it, leading to feelings of frustration and watching the year slip by while falling further and further behind in accomplishing these goals. So you’ll want to make sure you design a game plan of the activities you’ll need to do to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself in 2008.

In addition, and this is another important component that many agents neglect, is you’ll want to schedule times in your contact management software to check in and see how you’re doing with respect to accomplishing your goals in a timely manner. Many agents just set their goals for the year and then keep working throughout the year without really recognizing how they’re doing along the way. As long as there are still plenty of months left in the year there’s sometimes the feeling of “As long as I keep working hard, hopefully my goals will materialize along the way.” But working hard and doing the wrong activities while feeling busy along the way is not what will have an agent achieve their goals.

So I recommend that you schedule times to check in with yourself and see how you’re doing once a month or so throughout the year. Ask yourself questions like, “Am I focused on doing the activities that will have me achieve my goals for the year? Or am I off track from doing those activities right now?” (Hint–If you find yourself spending a lot of time doing activities not related to developing new business for yourself, you’re probably off track.)

And if you find yourself off track throughout the year–If you recognize you’re not doing the activities that will have you achieve your goals, or if you recognize you’ve fallen behind the pace for achieving your income goals for the year, go and get some help. Talk with your manager, get some input from another top-producing agent, or hire a real estate coach. Don’t be one of those agents who lets the year slide by and then in September says something like, “If I can just find, negotiate, and close both sides of a $50,000,000.00 transaction between now and December 31st, I’ll have met my income goal for the year.”

Define your goals, write down the activities you need to be doing throughout the year to accomplish these goals, and incorporate feedback into your system to make sure you’re checking in with yourself and observing how you’re doing along the way. Then take the appropriate corrective action that’s necessary.


Join Me for My Live Teleseminar Wednesday Night:
“Planning Your Commercial Real Estate Excellence for 2008”

Click here for more information on this event. If you can’t join us for the live call on Wednesday night you can still receive the audio CDs, a written transcription, and highlights of the call all sent to you in the mail. Click on the link above for more information.

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